01-经典台词Harry – yer a wizard.m4a
02-精选是魔杖选择巫师 Its really the wand that chooses the wizard.m4a
03-精选哈利罗恩和赫敏的初见 Harry, Ron and Hermione meet for the first time.m4a
04-精选分院帽之歌 The Sorting Hat Song.m4a
05-Chapter OneThe Boy Who Lived.m4a
06-Chapter TwoThe Vanishing Glass.m4a
10-Chapter SixThe Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.m4a
11-Chapter SevenThe Sorting Hat.m4a
12-Chapter EightThe Potions Master.m4a
13-Chapter NineThe Midnight Duel.m4a
14-Chapter TenHalloween.m4a
15-Chapter ElevenQuidditch.m4a
16-Chapter TwelveThe Mirror of Erised.m4a
17-Chapter ThirteenNicolas Flamel.m4a
18-Chapter FourteenNorbert the Norwegian Ridgeback.m4a
19-Chapter FifteenThe Forbidden Forest.m4a
20-Chapter SixteenThrough the Trapdoor.m4a
21-Chapter SeventeenThe Man with Two Faces.m4a
7-Chapter ThreeThe Letters from No One.m4a
8-Chapter FourThe Keeper of the Keys.m4a
9-Chapter FiveDiagon Alley.m4a